8 in stock

Doctor’s Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, 240 Tablets

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SKU 753950000872 Categories , ,


8 in stock

SKU: 753950000872 Categories: , ,


Doctor’s Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, 240 Tablets

Magnesium Glycinate High Absorption: Magnesium with high absorption uses a proprietary, natural chelated method of magnesium delivery to improve bioavailability and GI sensitivity.

Better Absorbability: Magnesium-glucine-2.3 times larger than magnesium carbonate, 3.6x larger than magnesium sulfate, 6.0x larger than magnesium oxide, Chelated magnesium is absorbed faster and more quickly than ionic salts. Helps facilitate high storage of magnesium in the body. When tolerated, the laxative effect is reduced— even at therapy doses. TRAACS, not a synthetic chelate. Natural Amino Acid Chelate System.

Magnesium Health Benefits: Magnesium, an essential dietary mineral, plays a number of important roles: it helps to increase energy, helps to calm nerves and pressure, supports regular heartbeat, supports bone density, helps maintain bone mass, muscle strength and athletic abilities, helps to digest. Helps to improve sleep and decrease anxiety, avoid muscular cramps, fatigue and soreness, and helps stop headaches. Inadequate magnesium affects not only the brain, blood vessels and joints, but also may affect the balance of blood sugar. NOT TOLL

Amino Acid Chelates: High Absorption Magnesium is made of TRAACS albion minerals and not 100% buffered. Special chelated mineral Albion, the scientific process turns elementary minerals shape into a softer nutrient that has no laxative effects on your stomach.