Bone-Up® 360 Capsules

Bone-Up® provides StimuCal™ ossein MicroCrystalline HydroxyApatite (MCHA) (from free-range New Zealand calves), which includes the superior combination of the inorganic calcium lattice of MCHA within an organic protein milieu. StimuCal™ is rich in native type I collagen—the predominant protein found in bone—and has been clinically demonstrated not to disproportionately spike calcium blood levels as do other forms of calcium, such as the carbonate and citrate salt forms.

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $35.94.

SKU 104805 Categories ,

Bone-Up® provides StimuCal™ ossein MicroCrystalline HydroxyApatite (MCHA) (from free-range New Zealand calves), which includes the superior combination of the inorganic calcium lattice of MCHA within an organic protein milieu. StimuCal™ is rich in native type I collagen—the predominant protein found in bone—and has been clinically demonstrated not to disproportionately spike calcium blood levels as do other forms of calcium, such as the carbonate and citrate salt forms.