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Top 14 Edible Essential Oils Explained
Consider that 1 drop is 1 teaspoon of spice or herb since many oils are focused. Dilution is essential because of their concentration. Don’t eat straight.
It is always IMPORTANT to read the essential oil mark before adding or consuming food. Do not eat orally or with drinks or foods marked “NOT FOR INTERNAL USE.” The FDA labels most essential oils which can be used internally as GRAS (generally considered safe). Before you consume, always read the label.
Essential oils from young kids should be kept away. Consult your health care provider before using if you are pregnant or nursing.
People have noticed the advantages of essential oils since the beginnings of human civilization. The ancient Egyptians used them during ceremonial festivities and the process of mummification and these oils continued to be extremely appreciated and used commonly as aromas, as gifts, and even trade as currency throughout history.
In our contemporary times, the popularity of vital oils remains. Many individuals topically bind them to the skin or add a few gouts to bathwater while other individuals use a diffuser to scatter the sweet aromas of these oils. However, there is another excellent way to benefit from their health: add food to edible vital oils. It’s very simple and delicious!
These vital oils can be taken internally, either put into a glass of cold water and eaten or used as a meal.
Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
An important oil that has been used since Roman times. It is from the herbal plant known as aniseed or anise.
According to a research in the journal of ethnopharmaceuticals, anise has many advantages:
- Helping in digestive health when eaten verbally and helping to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
- Fresh breath with only 2-3 drops added to gargling water.
- Aromas, including a large number of common baked products, sauces and more.
- Relieves pain when it is applied to the muscle or joints topically.
- Improve libido when orally eaten.
- Improves memory by a 2016 research.
- Use a diffuser to aid in chest colds and respiratory infections when inhaled.
- Diffuser – Place 2-3 falls with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also put a few to take orally in a glass of water.
Bergamot (Citrus aurantium var. or Citrus bergamia.)
Bergamot is an essential citrus oil. It has been used since ancient times. When mixed with black tea, it leads to Earl Grey, a world-wide commonly used tea. Benefits include,
- According to a research on clinical nutrition, aids in digestion with inflammatory bowel disease.
- According to a 2017 World Journal Gastroenterology study, it will help treat fatty liver.
- It decreases the risk of cholesterol and heart disease, according to a 2015 research.
- Has antibacterial characteristics, including killing h.pylori, According to a 2016 research, the bacteria causing stomach ulcers and raises the danger of stomach cancer.
- Improves brain function in schizophrenic individuals, according to a research by the Clinical Psychopharmacology Journal.
- Use a diffuser – Place 2-3 falls with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also put a few drops in a glass of oral water.
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
Clove is native to South-East Asia and Indonesia from the clove tree. According to a research in 2014, it has several health advantages, including:
- Food flavoring in baked products, teas and sauces.
- Its antibacterial characteristics can assist avoid infection when used topically on injuries.
- Studies demonstrate pain relief characteristics when topically applied to sore joints and muscles and used since the 13th century for toothache.
- Can be topically introduced to the skin to prevent insects, but diluted.
- Treatment of oral thrush.
Note: Consult your healthcare provider before ingestion if you are on blood dilution.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus sideroxylon and Eucalyptus torquata)
Eucalyptus is native to Australia, where Aboriginal people have been using this indigenous herb for millennia to assist treat sinus infections, breathing diseases and pain. Avoid the concentrated oil’s immediate usage–it must be diluted.
- Tea, jellies and sauces flavoring food.
- Relief for Upper Respiratory Infection. Studies show that the inhalation of a herbal blend containing eucalyptus minimizes infection symptoms.
- According to a research in 2012, antibacterial characteristics showed protection against bacterial skin infections in the topical application of eucalyptus.
- Can destroy fungus if topically applied.
- Natural deodorant when topically applied to armpits.
Directions: Use with a diffuser. In the diffuser, place 2-3 falls along with cool or hot water. Inhale. Can also take a few drops orally in a glass of water.
Note: Eucalyptus is well mixed with lavender and lemon oils when spreading.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
This herb has long been used. It is used as an essential oil in foodstuffs. Ginger has many health advantages:
- Baked food flavor, teas, sauces, dressings, marinades, etc.
- Aid for digestion, in particular for tea consumption.
- Frequently used for research by pregnant females and those undergoing nausea chemotherapy.
- Laxative impact.
- Antibacterial characteristics.
- Applied topically to impacted joints, pain relief and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
- Use with a diffuser – Place 2-3 falls with hot or cool water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – It can also take a few drops orally in a glass of hot water.
Grapefruit(Citrus paradisi)
The grapefruit is a hybrid of orange and pomelo fruit originating in the Caribbean Islands of Barbados. China is the world’s top grapefruit producer, while the US is second.
Essential grapefruit oil is obtained from the fruit and has many advantages:
- Tea flavoring, clothing, baked products and more.
- Stress and anxietal relief have shown less anxiety in the use of grapefruit essential oil with a diffuser, according to a 2017 research of Complementary Therapy in Medicine.
- Through its antimicrobial characteristics, acne therapy is applied topically.
- Use a diffuser – Place 2-3 falls with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also take a few drops orally in a glass of water.
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)
The sweet smell of Lavender is likely one of the most famous of all essential oils. Employed for thousands of years by cultures throughout the world, the Greeks and Romans were the first to use it. For the following purposes, lavender can be used:
- Food for baked products, meat rubs, teas and more.
- Helps minimize nausea effects. Put a drop behind your ears or consider drinking a drop or a tiny glass of water in your mouth.
- Aids in the digestive system
- Lavender inhalation can contribute to reducing physical and mental stress.
- Helps enhance sleep quality when used and inhaled topically.
- According to a 2017 research, lavender also showed advantages in blood pressure after an open heart surgery.
- Helps decrease burn pain. Directly apply or blend with cocoa oil.
- Directly apply to dry skin or blend with cocoa oil to relieve eczema symptoms.
- Apply to prevent or treat acne topically.
- Assists in relieving muscles and joints when applied during a massage.
- In 2017 a research in the Journal of Hand Therapy showed lavender decreased pain when topically applied on the wrists, alleviating symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Animal model studies indicate that lavender oil can contribute to hair development.
- Use with a diffuser – Put 2-3 drops together with cool or warm water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also put a few drops to take orally in a glass of water.
Lavender vital oil is well mixed when diffused with clove and rosemary oils.
Lemon (Citrus limonum)
Lemon is a familiar aroma, both sour and sweet. This essential oil is commonly used in beauty products because of its antioxidant characteristics.
- Can be added to ingredients like teas, candies, yogurts, seasoning of vegetables, baked products, etc.
- Taken with a glass of water, the digestive process can be stimulated.
- Antioxidants assist kill the throat bacteria. It can be gargled in.
- It can be used to softly clean surfaces, mixed with water.
- It is mixed with coconut oil and applied to the skin to safeguard it from oxidation.
- Use with a diffuser – Place 2-3 falls along with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also take a few drops orally in a glass of water.
Lemon is well mixed with eucalyptus oil if spread.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Originally from the Mediterranean region, Oregano is a floral plant. It has been used for millennia and has many health advantages.
- Oregano protects the intestines from harm and helps to produce a healthier intestine and relieve leaky gut symptoms.
- Can be added to foods such as sauces, meats, dressings, vegetable seasonings, etc.
- Studies indicate that oregano prevents atherosclerosis or artery blockage.
- Helps digestive problems when done orally.
- According to studies in the Scientific Reports, protections against fungal diseases.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Peppermint is a renowned herb and vital oils. In fact, it’s a mint hybrid and a spearmint. Its smell is sharp and fresh, and menthol is one of its principal components. In latest times, it has been used as a chewing gum flavoring. Peppermint is a European native and has many health benefits.
- Peppermint oil enables enhance symptoms when taken internally with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
- Can be consumed in water or capsule as an essential oil.
- Can be used to taste teas and foods.
- Can be useful when applying tension headaches to the back of your neck or diffused.
- It can help with fungal nail infections topically.
- A research in 2012 showed protection from skin infections.
- Inhalation of a herbal blend of peppermint minimized the symptoms of infection with upper respiratory infections.
- Applied topically, peppermint helps minimize pregnancy itching, according to studies. If you are pregnant, talk with your healthcare provider about the use before using topically or orally.
- Topically applied, it minimizes eczema-related skin irritation.
- A 2014 study showed that it can help hair growth when applied to the scalp.
- Use with a diffuser – Place 2-3 drops together with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also take a few drops orally in a glass of water.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary is a prevalent herb often cultivated in home gardens. It has been shown that rosemary plays a major role in the diet of a one of the world’s oldest and healthiest people, the ones residing in Acciaroli, Italy, according to an article in the New York Times.
- The rosemary can be added to the foods, including sauces, dressings, marinades and seasonings of vegetables.
- A 2017 research found, “Inhalation of vital rosemary oil enhanced number memorisation.”
- A 2016 animal study showed enhanced brain function in wounded individuals.
- A study in 2015 showed improved hair growth when topically applied to the scalp. However, it took six months for growth to be seen.
- Inhalation of a herbal blend with rosemary minimized upper respiratory infection symptoms.
- This essential oil enables muscle relaxation and muscle spasms relieve when used during a massage.
- Studies have shown that rosemary is a powerful antioxidant.
CAUTION: If applied topically, skin reactions may occur, some may be sensitive to this essential oil.
- Use a diffuser – Place 2-3 drops with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also put a few drops in a glass of water to take by mouth. Rosemary mixes well with peppermint and lavender oils.
Spearmint (Mentha spicata, synonym Mentha viridis)
Also known as mint garden. Originally from Europe and Asia, spearmint has been used for its flavour for millennia. Charles Wrigley added spearmint to the Mayan and Aztec extract known as gum in the late 1800s. This rubber extract is today better recognized as chewing gum. The Spanish term for gum is chic. Spearmint has many health advantages and is commonly used by many.
- Can be consumed as a tea or in warm water by adding a few drops of oil.
- The study published in Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine helps improve memory.
- Has antifungal characteristics.
- Helps decrease joint inflammation in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal.
- Used in Turkish folk medicine to treat sinus infections.
- Helps women to optimize their hormones according to a Phytotherapy Research study.
- Use with a diffuser – Place 2-3 falls with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Inhale can also take a few drops orally in a glass of water.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Thyme is an ancient herb with medicinal properties, also known as red thyme. Egyptians and Romans throughout Europe used it during embalming to assist purify living quarters. This drug was first referenced in the ancient medical text Ebers Papyrus, dating back to the 16th century BC.
Due to its similarity to thyme leaves, the thym gland that helps the immune system mature was called thymus. Ironically, thyme enables to combat infections and has antibacterial as well as anti-viral characteristics. Thymol is a renowned herbal active ingredient.
- Can be introduced to food such as soups, sauces, dressing, etc.
- Moderate use as a elevated dose may trigger a stomach upset.
- Mix well with rosemary.
- Use with a diffuser – Place 2-3 falls together with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – Can also take a few drops orally in a glass of water.
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)
Wintergreen herb was used by North American indigenous cultures. It was infused with tea to help eliminate aches, pain and sore throats due to viral infections. Native Americans chewed their leaves to avoid tooth decay. Caution: Check with your doctor if you are on blood thinners prior to consumption.
- Can be added for further flavoring to food.
- Can be eaten as a tea
- Use with a diffuser – Place 2-3 falls with water in the diffuser.
- Inhale – A few drops can be taken orally in a glass of water.
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