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Nutrition: Great Foods for Getting Vitamins A to E in Your Diet
You’re what you’re eating.
The foods you eat fill your stomach more than fill–they also offer your body the nutrients it wants to prosper. What you eat can influence how you feel today and how you feel for years.
Some foods can deplete your power, damage your digestive system and increase your risk of issues with your health. Other foods fuel the natural disease-fighting skills of your body. To learn about high-vitamin foods that can assist you get the food you need click through the slideshow.
Foods high in Vitamin A
Vitamin A- is a fat-soluble nutrient. It enables your body to build good teeth, bones, skin and soft tissue. It can also assist you prevent bacterial and viral infections, prevent blindness at night and maintain your hair and nails healthy.
Especially high in vitamin A foods are
Candy cakes.
Winter squash.
Spinach, kale and greens collard.
Some herbs also contain a large amount of vitamin A, including paprika, cayenne, and chili powder.
High vitamin B foods.
For the proper function of your nerve, synthesization of DNA and the formation of red blood cells in your body, vitaminsB-6,B-12, andB-9 are essential. They also promote your brain function, anemia prevention and metabolism.
Foods especially high in vitaminsB-6 andB-12 include:
poultry and fish meats,
including mustards and oysters,
eggs and dairy
Foods high in B-9, or folic acid includes leafy green and poultry products. Some cereals, fruit juices and other products are enhanced with follic acid.
Vitamin C-high foods
Vitamin C is also referred to as ascorbic acid. It is a strong antioxidant that protects your cells ‘ health. It increases the absorption of your body’s iron. It is also essential to promote healthy teeth and gums, cure injuries and withstand infection.
Foods with a elevated level of vitamin C include:
Citrus fruit.
Bell peppers.
Springing from Brussels.
Dark greens like kale, mustard greens and chard
High in vitamin D foods.
Vitamin D is a vitamin special. In addition to absorbing it from food, your body can synthesize it from sunlight. It is critical for bone health, the immune system and the absorption of calcium. According to the Trusted Source National Cancer Institute, your risk of developing colorectal cancer may also decrease.
While sunlight is by far the wealthiest source of vitamin D, foods that supply vitamin D also include:
Certain seafood, for example salmon, herring, catfish, trout and oysters.
Shiitake champagne.
Foods elevated in vitamin E
Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant like vitamin C. It helps to prevent harm to your cells. It also supports your body’s use of vitamin K and muscle cell repair.
In particular, foods with elevated levels of vitamin E include:
Sunflower seeds and almonds.
Swiss chard and Greens Turip.
Bell peppers.
Stock up on foods rich in vitamins.
It might be tenting to use supplements to fill up vitamins. However, according to the Dietary Supplements Office, popping a pill is not a replacement for a balanced diet. In order to get the nutrients you need, make sure you pack a nutritious punch on high-vitamin foods.
Talk to your doctor or dietitian if you think that you may miss important nutrients in your diet. You can suggest modifications to your eating habits. You may also be encouraged to add an addition to your daily routine.
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