vitamin d supplements

The role of vitamin D supplements in your body!

Vitamin D offers countless benefits to your body. This vitamin is one of the most essential nutrients that your body needs which you can take through diet foods or as vitamin D supplements. But we are sure there would be many queries around its various types like vitamin D supplements for adults, vitamin D supplements for kids, or vitamin D supplements for women. Let us now take you through how effective this vitamin D is, why you should take vitamin D supplements if not through your diet, the health benefits, and how much vitamin D dosage is recommended.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can easily be taken through foods and a well-balanced diet or as a dietary supplement. This vitamin, as most of us are aware, is produced due to exposure to the sun, when UV rays hit our skin which eventually helps in vitamin D synthesis. This plays such a vital role in your body that without enough vitamin D, it causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults

What does a vitamin D supplement do to your body?

Vitamin D has a long list of health benefits that are mandatory for your body’s processes. Here are a few important benefits of vitamin D right from boosting your health to helping in your hair strength.

1. Promotes calcium absorption in the gut
2. Plays a major role in mineralization
3. Bone growth and strength.
4. Keeping teeth and muscles healthy.
5. Reduces inflammation
6. Maintains cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and glucose metabolism
7. Regulates cellular processes.

What are the sources of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D can be naturally taken through foods like fish. There are many other sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil, salmon, tuna fish, mushrooms, and ready-to-eat cereals. Other sources like beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks have vitamin D in the form of D3 which are also available as vitamin D3 supplements online.

Recommended vitamin D supplement dose

The dosage of vitamin D varies from person to person and age to age. There are different dosage recommendations for vitamin D supplements for kids, vitamin D supplements for men, and vitamin D supplements for women. It is said that adults might need at least 30 to 40 mcg of vitamin D supplements a day, and 15 mcg of vitamin D supplements for kids. Not having enough intake of vitamin D causes deficiency and leads to some serious health problems.

If you are someone who has no time to plan a diet with enough vitamin D intake or a deficit of vitamin D, it is recommended to take vitamin D as supplements. Get enough advice from a healthcare professional on how much vitamin D you should take, per day. Though you take vitamin D as supplements, it is still recommended to take some naturally through foods. So, if you are looking for the best vitamin D supplements online, Machoah is here to help.

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